
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
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F. J. Borrero, Díaz J. Manuel1998Introduction of the Indo-Pacific pteriid bivalve Electroma sp. to the tropical western Atlantic
B. L. Burch1995Pearly shells - part 5: transport by man of commercial pearl shells and their hitch-hikers
B. L. Burch1995Pearly shells - part 5: transport by man of commercial pearl shells and their hitch-hikers
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J. M. Engle, Richards D. V.2001New and unusual marine invertebrates discovered at the California Channel Islands during the 1997-1998 El Niño
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J. Hornell1922The common molluscs of South India
K. L. Lamprell, Healy J. M.1997New species of Pteriidae, Pinnidae, Veneridae, Euciroidae and Corbulidae from Australia (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Veneroida)
K. L. Lamprell, Healy J. M.1997New species of Pteriidae, Pinnidae, Veneridae, Euciroidae and Corbulidae from Australia (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Veneroida)
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V. Orr Maes1967The littoral marine mollusks of Cocos-Keeling Islands (Indian Ocean)
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B. Morton1995The biology and functional morphology of Pteria brevialata (Bivalvia: Pterioidea), epizoic on gorgonians in Hong Kong
J. Mathias Ostergaard1928Fossil marine mollusks of Oahu
J. Mathias Ostergaard1928Fossil marine mollusks of Oahu
T. Southwell1911Notes on the genera Margaritifera and Aviculidea, and on post-mortem colour changes in echinoids
T. Southwell1911Notes on the genera Margaritifera and Aviculidea, and on post-mortem colour changes in echinoids
R. Tantanasiriwong1979A checklist of marine bivalves from Phuket Island, adjacent mainland and offshore islands, western peninsular Thailand
R. Tantanasiriwong1979A checklist of marine bivalves from Phuket Island, adjacent mainland and offshore islands, western peninsular Thailand
J. D. Taylor, Glover E. A.2004Diversity and distribution of subtidal benthic molluscs from the Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia; results of the 1999 dredge survey (DA2/99)
H. - J. Urban2001Reproductive strategies in tropical bivalves (Pteria colymbus, Pinctada imbricata and Pinna carnea): temporal coupling of gonad production and spat abundance related to environmental variability
H. - J. Urban2001Reproductive strategies in tropical bivalves (Pteria colymbus, Pinctada imbricata and Pinna carnea): temporal coupling of gonad production and spat abundance related to environmental variability
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith