
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. K. Bambach, Knoll, A. H., J. Jr., J. Sepkoski2002Anatomical and ecological constraints on Phanerozoic animal diversity in the marine realm
D. L. Graf, Foighil D. Ó.2000The evolution of brooding characters among the freshwater pearly mussels (Bivalvia : Unionoidea) of North America
J. Hornell1922The Indian pearl fisheries of the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay
E. F. Kelaart1858Introductory report on the natural history of the pearl oyster (Meleagrina margaritifera,Lam.) of Ceylon
E. F. Kelaart1858Introductory report on the natural history of the pearl oyster (Meleagrina margaritifera,Lam.) of Ceylon
X. Y. Liang, Morton B.1988The pallial organ of Atrina pectinata (Bivalvia: Pinnidae): its structure and function
P. M. Mikkelsen, Tëmkin, I., Bieler, R., Lyons, W. G.2004Pinctada longisquamosa (Dunker, 1852) (Bivalvia: Pteriidae), an unrecognized pearl oyster in the western Atlantic
P. M. Mikkelsen, Tëmkin, I., Bieler, R., Lyons, W. G.2004Pinctada longisquamosa (Dunker, 1852) (Bivalvia: Pteriidae), an unrecognized pearl oyster in the western Atlantic
P. M. Mikkelsen, Bieler R.2001Varicorbula (Bivalvia: Corbulidae) of the Western Atlantic: taxonomy, anatomy, life habits, and distribution
B. Morton1995The biology and functional morphology of Pteria brevialata (Bivalvia: Pterioidea), epizoic on gorgonians in Hong Kong
B. Morton1995The biology and functional morphology of Pteria brevialata (Bivalvia: Pterioidea), epizoic on gorgonians in Hong Kong
B. Morton, Velkovrh, F., Sket, B.1998Biology and anatomy of the "living fossil"Congeria kusceri (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) from subterranean rivers and caves in the Dinaric karst of the former Yugoslavia
R. D. Purchon, Clarke G.1978An analytical approach to a classification of Bivavlia
A. M. Siung1980Studies on the biology of Isognomon alatus Gmelin (Bivalvia: Isognomonidae) with notes on its potential as a commercial species
A. M. Siung1980Studies on the biology of Isognomon alatus Gmelin (Bivalvia: Isognomonidae) with notes on its potential as a commercial species
C. M. Yonge1968Form and habit in species of Malleus (including the "hammer oysters") with comparative observations on Isognomon isognomon
C. M. Yonge1968Form and habit in species of Malleus (including the "hammer oysters") with comparative observations on Isognomon isognomon
C. M. Yonge1953Form and habit in Pinna carnea Gmelin
M. L. Zettler2002Ecological and morphological features of the bivalve Astarte borealis (Schumacher, 1817) in the Baltic Sea near its geographical range
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith