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R. Tantanasiriwong1979A checklist of marine bivalves from Phuket Island, adjacent mainland and offshore islands, western peninsular Thailand
R. Tate, May W. L.1901A revised census of the marine Mollusca of Tasmania
R. Tate, May W. L.1901A revised census of the marine Mollusca of Tasmania
G. Tavani1939Una nuova famiglia di lamellibranchi del Cretaceo della Somalia
G. Tavani1939Una nuova famiglia di lamellibranchi del Cretaceo della Somalia
J. Thiele1886Die Mundlappen der Lamellibranchiaten
J. Thiele1886Die Mundlappen der Lamellibranchiaten
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E. Thurston1895Rámésvaram Island and fauna of the Gulf of Manaar
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T. Ubukata2003A morphometric study on morphological plasticity of shell form in crevice-dwelling Pterioida (Bivalvia)
T. Ubukata1997Mantle kinematics and formation of commarginal shell sculpture in Bivalvia
T. Ubukata1994Architectural constraints on the morphogenesis of prismatic sculpture in Bivalvia
T. Ubukata1994Architectural constraints on the morphogenesis of prismatic sculpture in Bivalvia
L. M. Vaillant1868Mémoire sur l'anatomie de deux mollusques de la famille des Malléacés
L. M. Vaillant1868Mémoire sur l'anatomie de deux mollusques de la famille des Malléacés
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T. R. Waller1985Jurassic "Malleidae" and the distinction between Ostreoida and Pterioida (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
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T. R. Waller1973The habits and habitats of some Bermudian marine mollusks
T. R. Waller, Macintyre I. G.1982Larval settlement and shell morphology of Malleus candeanus (d'Orbigny) (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
T. R. Waller, Macintyre I. G.1982Larval settlement and shell morphology of Malleus candeanus (d'Orbigny) (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
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C. M. Yonge1968Form and habit in species of Malleus (including the "hammer oysters") with comparative observations on Isognomon isognomon


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith