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K. Chinzei1982Constructional morphology of Lithiotis and Cochlearites
K. Chinzei1982Constructional morphology of Lithiotis and Cochlearites
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R. D. K. Thomas1978Shell form and ecological range of living and extinct Arcoida
G. J. Vermeij2005Shells inside out: the architecture, evolution and function of shell envelopment in molluscs
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C. M. Yonge1962On the primitive significance of the byssus in the Bivalvia and its effects in evolution
C. M. Yonge1955Adaptation to rock boring in Botula and Lithophaga (Lamellibranchia, Mytilidae) with a discussion on the evolution of this habit
C. M. Yonge1953The monomyarian condition in the Lamellibranchia
C. M. Yonge1953The monomyarian condition in the Lamellibranchia
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith