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F. T. Fürsich1980Preserved life positions of some Jurassic bivalves
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J. Mathias Ostergaard1928Fossil marine mollusks of Oahu
J. Mathias Ostergaard1928Fossil marine mollusks of Oahu
E. Savazzi1996Preserved ligament in the Jurassic bivalve Lithiotis: adaptive and evolutionary significance
E. Savazzi1996Preserved ligament in the Jurassic bivalve Lithiotis: adaptive and evolutionary significance
E. Savazzi1995Parasite-induced teratologies in the Pliocene bivalve Isognomon maxillatus
E. Savazzi1995Parasite-induced teratologies in the Pliocene bivalve Isognomon maxillatus
E. Savazzi1984Functional morphology and autecology of Pseudoptera (bakevelliid bivalves, Upper Cretaceous of Portugal)
E. Savazzi1984Functional morphology and autecology of Pseudoptera (bakevelliid bivalves, Upper Cretaceous of Portugal)
A. Seilacher1982Ammonite shells as habitats in the Pasidonia Shales of Holzmaden - floats or benthic islands?
E. S. Vrba1993Turnover-pulses, the Red Queen, and related topics
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith