
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Chellam, A.1987Biology of pearl oyster Pinctada fucata (Gould)
Chellam, A.1987Biology of pearl oyster Pinctada fucata (Gould)
Velayudhan, T. S., Gandhi A. D.1987Morphology and anatomy of Indian pearl oyster
Velayudhan, T. S., Gandhi A. D.1987Morphology and anatomy of Indian pearl oyster
M. S. Doroudi, Southgate P. C.2003Embryonic and larval development of Pinctada margaritifera (L.)
M. S. Doroudi, Southgate P. C.2003Embryonic and larval development of Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758)
T. Fujimura, Wada, K., Iwaki, T.1995Development and morphology of the pearl oyster larvae, Pinctada fucata
T. Fujimura, Wada, K., Iwaki, T.1995Development and morphology of the pearl oyster larvae, Pinctada fucata
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W. A. Herdman1905Note on some points in the structure of the gill of the Ceylon pearl-oyster
W. A. Herdman1905Note on some points in the structure of the gill of the Ceylon pearl-oyster
W. A. Herdman1904Anatomy of the pearl oyster (Margaritifera vulgaris, Schum.)
W. A. Herdman1904Anatomy of the pearl oyster (Margaritifera vulgaris, Schum.)
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P. M. Mikkelsen, Tëmkin, I., Bieler, R., Lyons, W. G.2004Pinctada longisquamosa (Dunker, 1852) (Bivalvia: Pteriidae), an unrecognized pearl oyster in the western Atlantic
M. Nakazima1958On the differentiation of stomach of Pelecypoda (I)
M. Nakazima1958On the differentiation of stomach of Pelecypoda (I)
P. Pelseneer1899Les yeux céphaliques chez les lamellibranches
P. Pelseneer1899Les yeux céphaliques chez les lamellibranches
R. D. Purchon1987The stomach in the Bivalvia
J. M. Strugnell, Southgate P. C.2003Changes in tissue composition during larval development of the blacklip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (L.)
J. M. Strugnell, Southgate P. C.2003Changes in tissue composition during larval development of the blacklip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (L.)
J. Thiele1886Die Mundlappen der Lamellibranchiaten
J. Thiele1886Die Mundlappen der Lamellibranchiaten
A. Fougerousse-Tsing, Herbaut C.1994Atlas anatomique de l'huître perlière: Pinctada margaritifera
A. Fougerousse-Tsing, Herbaut C.1994Atlas anatomique de l'huître perlière: Pinctada margaritifera
T. R. Waller1976The behavior and tentacle morphology of pteriomorphian bivalves: a motion-picture study
T. R. Waller1975The behavior and tentacle morphology of pteriomorphian bivalves: a motion-picture study
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith