
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
K. Chinzei1982Constructional morphology of Lithiotis and Cochlearites
K. Chinzei1982Constructional morphology of Lithiotis and Cochlearites
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B. Morton2001The evolution of eyes in the Bivalvia
B. Morton2001The evolution of eyes in the Bivalvia
S. A. Schaefer, Lauder G. V.1996Testing historical hypotheses of morphological change: biomechanical decoupling in loricarioid catfishes
S. M. Stanley1978Aspects of the adaptive morphology and evolution of the Trigoniidae
S. M. Stanley1972Functional morphology and evolution of byssally attached bivalve mollusks
S. M. Stanley1972Functional morphology and evolution of byssally attached bivalve mollusks
R. D. K. Thomas1978Limits to opportunism in evolution of Arcoida (Bivalvia)
R. D. K. Thomas1978Shell form and ecological range of living and extinct Arcoida
R. D. K. Thomas, Reif W. E.1993The skeleton space: a finite set of organic designs
R. D. K. Thomas, Shearman, R. M., Stewart, C. W.2000Evolutionary exploitation of design options by the first animals with hard skeletons
E. I. Vorobyeva2007The morphofunctional approach in paleontology
C. M. Yonge1962On the primitive significance of the byssus in the Bivalvia and its effects in evolution
C. M. Yonge1962On the primitive significance of the byssus in the Bivalvia and its effects in evolution
C. M. Yonge1955Adaptation to rock boring in Botula and Lithophaga (Lamellibranchia, Mytilidae) with a discussion on the evolution of this habit
C. M. Yonge1953The monomyarian condition in the Lamellibranchia
C. M. Yonge1953The monomyarian condition in the Lamellibranchia
C. M. Yonge1948Formation of siphons in Lamellibranchia
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith