
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
D. W. Boyd, Newell N. D.2001Silicified Leptodesma (Bivalvia; Pteriomorphia) from the Texas Permian
D. W. Boyd, Newell N. D.2001Silicified Leptodesma (Bivalvia; Pteriomorphia) from the Texas Permian
L. Bédouet, Schuller, M. Hosé, Marin, F., Milet, C., Lopez, E., Giraud, M.2001Soluble proteins of the nacre of the giant oyster Pinctada maxima and of the abalone Haliotis tuberculata: extraction and partial analysis of nacre proteins
L. Bédouet, Schuller, M. Hosé, Marin, F., Milet, C., Lopez, E., Giraud, M.2001Soluble proteins of the nacre of the giant oyster Pinctada maxima and of the abalone Haliotis tuberculata: extraction and partial analysis of nacre proteins
J. M. Engle, Richards D. V.2001New and unusual marine invertebrates discovered at the California Channel Islands during the 1997-1998 El Niño
J. M. Engle, Richards D. V.2001New and unusual marine invertebrates discovered at the California Channel Islands during the 1997-1998 El Niño
M. Hautmann2001Taxonomy and phylogeny of cementing Triassic bivalves (families Prospondylidae, Plicatulidae, Dimyidae and Ostreidae)
M. Hautmann2001Die Muschelfauna der Nayband-Formation (Obertrias, Nor-Rhät) des östlichen Zentraliran
C. A. McRoberts, Newell N. D.2001A new Permian myalinid genus, Elversella, of West Texas
P. M. Mikkelsen, Bieler R.2001Varicorbula (Bivalvia: Corbulidae) of the Western Atlantic: taxonomy, anatomy, life habits, and distribution
B. Morton2001The evolution of eyes in the Bivalvia
B. Morton2001The evolution of eyes in the Bivalvia
J. - M. Pacaud2001Première observation du genre Pulvinites (Mollusca, Bivalvia) dans le Danien (Paléocène inférieur) de Vigny (Val-d'Oise, France)
L. Pereira, Milet, C., Almeida, M. J., Rousseau, M., Robichon, F., Lopez, E.2001Biological effect of the water-soluble matrix extract from the nacre of the bivalve mollusc Pinctada maxima on vertebrate cell proliferation and differentiation
L. Pereira, Milet, C., Almeida, M. J., Rousseau, M., Robichon, F., Lopez, E.2001Biological effect of the water-soluble matrix extract from the nacre of the bivalve mollusc Pinctada maxima on vertebrate cell proliferation and differentiation
J. A. Schneider2001Bivalve systematics during the 20th century
R. L. Squires2001Additions to the Eocene megafossil fauna of the Llajas Formation, Simi Valley, Southern California
R. L. Squires2001Additions to the Eocene megafossil fauna of the Llajas Formation, Simi Valley, Southern California
H. - J. Urban2001Reproductive strategies in tropical bivalves (Pteria colymbus, Pinctada imbricata and Pinna carnea): temporal coupling of gonad production and spat abundance related to environmental variability
H. - J. Urban2001Reproductive strategies in tropical bivalves (Pteria colymbus, Pinctada imbricata and Pinna carnea): temporal coupling of gonad production and spat abundance related to environmental variability
F. E. Wells, Chalermwat, K., Kakhai, N., Rangubpit, P.2001Population characteristics and feeding of the snail Chicoreus capucinus at Ang-Sila, Chonburi Province, Thailand
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith