
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. - P. DeshayesSubmittedTraité élémentaire de conchyliologie avec les applications de cette science a la géologie, par G.-P. Deshayes. Explication des planches
G. - P. DeshayesSubmittedTraité élémentaire de conchyliologie avec les applications de cette science a la géologie
G. - P. Deshayes1939Traité élémentaire de conchyliologie avec les applications de cette science a la géologie, par G.-P. Deshayes. Atlas
F. Frech1906Ueber Aviculiden von Palaeozoischen Habitus aus der Trias von Zacatecas
F. Frech1906Ueber Aviculiden von Palaeozoischen Habitus aus der Trias von Zacatecas
W. King1850A monograph of the Permian fossils of England
W. King1850A monograph of the Permian fossils of England
S. A. Miller1877The American palaeozoic fossils: a catalogue of the genera and species, with names of authors, dates, places of publication, groups of rocks in which found, and the etymology and signification of the words, and an introduction devoted to the stratigraphic
S. A. Miller1877The American palaeozoic fossils: a catalogue of the genera and species, with names of authors, dates, places of publication, groups of rocks in which found, and the etymology and signification of the words, and an introduction devoted to the stratigraphic
J. E. Portlock1843Report on the geology of the county of Londonderry, and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh
J. E. Portlock1843Report on the geology of the county of Londonderry, and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh
Z. N. Poyarkova1976Pozdnemelovye dvustvorchatye molluski sever-vostochnoj chasti Srednej Azii
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith