
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
D. J. Colgan, McLauchlan, A., Wilson, G. D. F., Livingston, S. P., Edgecomb, G. D., Macaranas, J., Cassis, G., Gray, M. R.1998Histone H3 and U2 snRNA DNA sequences and arthropod molecular evolution
N. P. Giannini, Simmons N. B.2003A phylogeny of megachiropteran bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) based on direct optimization analysis of one nuclear and four mitochondrial genes
G. Giribet, Wheeler W. C.2002On bivalve phylogeny: a high-level analysis of the Bivalvia (Mollusca) based on combined morphology and DNA sequence data
G. Giribet, Wheeler W. C.2002On bivalve phylogeny: a high-level analysis of the Bivalvia (Mollusca) based on combined morphology and DNA sequence data
G. S. Jaecks, Carlson S. J.2001How phylogenetic inference can shape our view of heterochrony: examples from thecideide brachiopods
F. Legendre, Whiting, M. F., Bordereau, C., Cancello, Eliana, M., Evans, T. A., Grandcolas, P.2008The phylogeny of termites (Dictyoptera: Isoptera) based on mitochondrial and nuclear markers: implications for the evolution of the worker and pseudergate castes, and foraging behaviors
M. Matsumoto2003Phylogenetic analysis of the subclass Pteriomorphia (Bivalvia) from mtDNA COI sequences
C. P. Meyer2003Molecular systematics of cowries (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae) and diversification patterns in the tropics
C. P. Meyer, Geller, J. B., Paulay, G.2005Fine scale endemism on coral reefs: archipelagic differentiation in turbinid gastropods
R. D. Purchon, Brown D.1969Phylogenetic interrelationships among families of bivalve molluscs
H. Quesada, Posada, D., Caballero, A., Morán, P., Rolán-Alvarez, E.2007Phylogenetic evidence for multiple sympatric ecological diversification in a marine snail
T. R. Schultz, Engel, M. S., Ascher, J. S.2001Evidence for the origin of eusociality in the corbiculate bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
A. B. Smith, Peterson K. J.2002Dating the time of origin of major clades: molecular clocks and the fossil record
C. A. Stepien, Hubers, A. N., Skidmore, J. L.1999Diagnostic genetic markers and evolutionary relationships among invasive dreissenoid and corbiculoid bivalves in North America: phylogenetic signal from mitochondrial 16S rDNA
P. J. Wagner2000Exhaustion of morphologic character states among fossil taxa
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith