
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. B. Sowerby, Jr.1852A conchological manual
G. B. Sowerby1825A catalogue of the shells contained in the collection of the late Earl of Tankerville, arranged according to the Lamarckian conchological system; together with an appendix containing descriptions of many new species
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F. J. Springsteen, Leobrera F. M.1986Shells of the Philippines
R. L. Squires1992New occurrences of the malleid bivalve Nayadina (Exputens) from the Eocene of Jamaica, Mexico, and Washington
R. L. Squires1990First occurrence of the Tethyan bivalve Nayadina (Exputens) in Mexico, and a review of all species of this North American subgenus
R. L. Squires, Demetrion R. A.1992Paleontology of the Eocene Bateque Formation, Baja California Sur, Mexico
R. L. Squires, Portell R. W.1995An unusual Nayadina (Bivalvia: Malleidae) from the Eocene of South Carolina
F. Stoliczka1871The Pelecypoda, with a review of all known genera of this class, fossil and recent
C. Swennen, Moolenbeek, R. G., Ruttanadakul, N., Hobbelink, H., Dekker, H., Hajisamae, S.2001The molluscs of the Southern Gulf of Thailand
C. Swennen, Moolenbeek, R. G., Ruttanadakul, N., Hobbelink, H., Dekker, H., Hajisamae, S.2001The molluscs of the Southern Gulf of Thailand
R. Tantanasiriwong1979A checklist of marine bivalves from Phuket Island, adjacent mainland and offshore islands, western peninsular Thailand
R. Tantanasiriwong1979A checklist of marine bivalves from Phuket Island, adjacent mainland and offshore islands, western peninsular Thailand
R. Tate, May W. L.1901A revised census of the marine Mollusca of Tasmania
R. Tate, May W. L.1901A revised census of the marine Mollusca of Tasmania
G. Tavani1939Una nuova famiglia di lamellibranchi del Cretaceo della Somalia
G. Tavani1939Una nuova famiglia di lamellibranchi del Cretaceo della Somalia
J. Thiele1930Gastropoda und Bivalvia
E. Thurston1895Rámésvaram Island and fauna of the Gulf of Manaar
E. Thurston1895Rámésvaram Island and fauna of the Gulf of Manaar
E. von Martens1887List of the shells of Mergui and its archipelago, collected for the trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr. John Anderson, F.R.S., superintendent of the Museum
E. von Martens1887List of the shells of Mergui and its archipelago, collected for the trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr. John Anderson, F.R.S., superintendent of the Museum
T. R. Waller1985Jurassic "Malleidae" and the distinction between Ostreoida and Pterioida (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
T. R. Waller1985Jurassic "Malleidae" and the distinction between Ostreoida and Pterioida (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
R. Winckworth1946The Davila catalogue


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith