Geological age:
"T. parva, crassa, subquadrata, adunca, lamellosa, extus nigra; margine ventrali sinuato; angulo infero-posteriori rotundato; latere postico sinuato: area cardinali lata, 6-sulcata; fissura byssali ampla, trigonalis: margarita plumbaginea; limbo corticali angusto, pallido. Long. ⅗; alt. ¾; lat. ¼ poll. Hab. Feejee Islands; inder stones. Drayton.
The solidity and color of this little species will not admit of its being confounded with any other species. It bears the marks of mature age." [Gould, 1850: 312.]
Type locality:
"Hab. Feejee Islands." [Gould, 1850: 312].